Digital PR

Weapons against the enemy: how to communicate in war

Proper communication between business, government officials, and each of us is also a weapon against the enemy. Therefore, the public communications agency Perfect PR has collected the main tips on how to communicate properly in war, keep in touch with different audiences to maintain contact, and be as useful as possible.

War is a serious shock for each of us, but even in such conditions, it is important to mobilize internally and continue to communicate.

In any crisis situation, especially during the war, it is impossible to remain silent or disappear from public space. Even if you are a company that has suspended its work, your official public can become a platform for disseminating important information. In a small brochure, we have collected the main principles of communication both within teams and general rules that will be useful to everyone.

The brochure also contains rules on how to communicate with government officials, how not to fall victim to fakes and join the information front, and how to use creativity in communication in wartime.

Download brochure.

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The First PR Laboratory in Ukraine