Digital PR

How digital marketing has changed after the war began 

After February 24, significant changes happened in the work of many industries, and Ukrainian digital marketing was no exception. The digital specialist of our agency Taras Humenyuk answers the 5 most common questions about how digital marketing functioning changed during the war in Ukraine.

How has digital marketing changed from the beginning of the war?

Firstly, advertising stopped. And in this pause, the competition has changed. At the beginning of the war, artists and not only from Western countries burst into our feeds on social networks: photographers, designers, craft shops, who declared their support and solidarity with Ukraine. Later, the wave of target enthusiasm subsided, and advertisements began to return from the most stubborn, those who decided not to stop business and even make money on the wave of patriotism. Of course, while supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Later, following the trend, a new need appeared in the digital sphere and in a significant part of business in the Western market. Therefore, I suspect, right now, specialists are obliged to learn foreign languages, such as English, Polish, French, and German. It increases the value of specialists in the labor market and allows them to compete with foreign colleagues.

Can we compare this “crisis” in digital with the crisis during the coronavirus?

Well, putting them in one row will not be entirely correct. I offer the following view: the corona crisis forced us to digitize faster. Zoom, TikTok, remote work occurrence. Yes, even relevant amendments in the labor legislation. Now we must integrate into Western digital processes. It entails learning languages, GDPR features, and analysis without Google Analytics (Universal Analytics).

What do you say about the thought that using digital marketing may be currently inappropriate?

I disagree. Business needs to communicate with customers here and now. It is worth giving up specific communication channels only in case of extreme inefficiency. After all, you can look for and implement new opportunities. Dodo Socks, for example, have mastered the possibilities of native promotion on Twitter.

Which digital marketing tools are appropriate to use now, and which are not?

Those that give the greatest return are here and now. Here it already depends on the business’s specifics, its life cycle stage, and marginality. For some, it is appropriate to launch advertising campaigns on Instagram. For some to remind the client via email. For some, using LinkedIn tools as part of Social Selling will be better.

Taras Humeniuk

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